Weekdays 9.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m.

Dads can! Educational support programme for fathers

Knowledge and skills are acquired for better childcare and upbringing in an interactive group setting, and an active involvement of fathers in children’s lives is promoted, which is an important factor in preventing the risk of violence.

Target audience: fathers who are involved in the upbringing of preschool children (3–8 years old)

Group organisation: once a week for 2.5 hours:

Some of the lessons are based on theoretical knowledge about important aspects of child’s development, upbringing and discipline.

In some lessons, fathers through play with their children will learn to get to know their children better, interact with them and spend time together in a way that is both interesting and useful for their child’s development.

Lessons are bilingual – in Latvian and Russian.

The support group takes place in collaboration with the Riga Social Service (please contact your social worker about the availability of the service). Referral to the Fathers’ Group can be received through the Riga Social Service.

To apply or receive more information, please e-mail us at grupas@centrsdardedze.lv; phone +371 22822140.