Our story

Each child only has one childhood. It goes by in joys and sorrows, building the foundation for the rest of their lives. This is a time when a child’s curiosity and desire to discover the world interact with how the world actually works. This is not an easy time for adults either. They are the ones who create the environment around their child – safe or unsafe – depending on their knowledge and experience.

Our goal is to promote safe, respectful relationships and prevent violence against children be it domestic, in communication with their peers or society as a whole. By advocating for a safe childhood, we want to help children grow into stronger, more independent and happier adults, as well as better future parents.

Special competence in the prevention of child sexual abuse.

The problem

Violence has a fundamental impact on a child’s life. But how big problem is it?

When talking to their children, 90% of parents put an emphasis on the dangers posed by strangers (SKDS, 2021).
of rehabilitated children have suffered from domestic violence (Ministry of Welfare, 2020).
of students have experienced mobbing (Neklusē, 2020).
of crimes against children are sexual exploitation (State Police 2020).
Our answer

In order for every child to grow up safely, children, parents and professionals require knowledge and skills, as well as support and a chance to experience a dignified attitude for themselves. That is why Dardedze Centre:

  • provides psychological support to children who have been victims of violence as well as to their families;
  • promotes safe relationships in children’s lives by providing training for adults and children;
  • actively advocates for an organised child protection system at state and local government level.

Dardedze is the only organization in Latvia that specializes in preventing the sexual exploitation of children.

Our organization’s strategy for 2023-2027.

Organisation’s Children’s Rights Protection Policy.

Achievements in numbers
In 2022, we reached:
professionals with educational activities

“Centrs Dardedze” annual activity report 2022.

Our psychologists have provided:
psychological consultations
consultations for psychological assesment
Jimba’s (Džimba) agents throughout Latvia teach children about safety in interpersonal relationships.
The Latvian Children's Fund and the Centre against Violence for Supporting Children and Families decide to establish the first crisis centre in Latvia.
The first interdisciplinary crisis centre in Latvia opens – Dardedze Centre against Violence.
We begin training for the staff and children from orphanages to prevent the risk of violence – ‘Team on Wheels’.
We create a 4-day training programme for professionals to work with children who have suffered from illegal activities.
The first lesson for preschool children about safety in relationships takes place, implemented in kindergartens (using a dust particle as a character – Puteklis).
In collaboration with the Skalbes organization and the University of Latvia, we implement a programme for parents on positive child upbringing titled ‘Pathways to Competence’ in Latvia (adapted from Canada).
We create the character Jimba (Džimba) and the first methodological materials for Jimba’s Safety Programme.
We close the inpatient treatment program and further provide services to children and families only on an outpatient basis, opening up more opportunities for preventive work.
We begin ‘The School of Big Life’ training in boarding schools.
We begin organizing Jimba’s safety trips and training Jimba’s agents.
We develop and implement a support group ‘Guardian Angel’ for parents of young children from families at risk situations.
We publish the first methodological book for professionals — The Handbook for Working with Child Victims of Violence.
We begin work on the implementation of the training programme for parents ‘Guide to Parenting a Teenager’ in Latvia.
A standard for assessing the quality of service provided by crisis centres is developed.
We adapt the standard for interviewing children.
We begin to run forum theatre events in schools to reduce peer violence.
Disciplinary guidelines for short-term social rehabilitation institutions
We begin to form Father Groups.
We launch the initiative ‘Child Safe and Child Friendly Kindergarten’ in collaboration with the SOS Children's Villages Association.
We launch an annual Christmas campaign titled "A Different Kind of Gift".
We help municipal teams begin developing action plans for the prevention of child sexual exploitation.
We stand for a child-friendly interviewing – the Children's House (Barnahus) pilot project is launched.
We launch www.drosaberniba.lv – an educational platform for kindergarten staff.
We launch Traffic Lights training for assessing children's sexual behaviour.
Jimba’s Safety Programme is revised
We begin holding regular expert council meetings for the prevention of child sexual abuse.
We actively advocate for a better child protection system in the country.
In cooperation with the leading organizations in the field, ‘Methodological Material for Social Work with Victims of Violence and Perpetrators of Violence’ is developed and published.
20th anniversary of the organization - we are renewing the brand and website.
"Imagine yourself in child's shoes" campaign.
We promote the return of the "neglect" type of violence to legislation.
We raise the topic of harmful sexual behavior among children at the conference and in wider communication.
Developed guidelines for recognizing signs of violence in children under the age of three.
Campaign to educate parents about the risks of child sexual abuse "Read between the lines".
The Board of Dardedze Centre
Agnese Sladzevska
Head of Prevention Centre, Member of the Board
Laila Balode
Head of Counselling Department, Member of the Board
Anda Avena
Advocacy & Communication, Member of the Board
Counselling Staff
Daina Dziļuma
Liene Nikolajeva
Aiva Ustāne
Luīze Lorence
Elvis Dudarevs
Linda Rātfeldere-Rubeze
Adriāna Komule
Social worker
Preventive programmes
Sendi Gabrāne
Head of Training Department
Zaiga Valdmane
Jimba Safety program coordinator and trainer
Arta Ārsmeniece
Training department assistant
Sandra Strūberga
Preventive educational programs specialist
Annija Kandāte-Smiltiņa
Social project manager
Ilze Znotiņa
Head of Jimba’s Safety Programme
Agnese Lorence
Coordinator of preventive educational programs
Tomass Tulinskis
Jimba Safety program trainer
Zane Adamsa
Jimba Safety program trainer
Vineta Āboliņa
Jimba Safety program trainer
Office staff
Guna Joma
Finance manager
Dace Kurša
Finance manager
Līva Truhņēviča
Office Administrator