Weekdays 9.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m.

Seminar for professionals on harmful sexual behaviour

It is often in institutions and establishments that have children of different ages together on a daily basis that children are at high risk of engaging in age-inappropriate sexual conversations or activities that cause harm. The seminar will cover such topics as what harmful sexual behaviour is, how to recognize it, what protective and supportive factors of harmful sexual behaviour risk are.

Target audience: professionals working with school-age children in institutions (social workers, teachers, social educators, staff of out-of-home care facilities, day centres and support centres, foster families).

We will look at how professionals can work purposefully in an inter-professional team within an institution and across institutions when faced with harmful sexual behaviour among children, so that the work of professionals does not overlap. Together we will discuss how to assess harmful sexual behaviour and what every professional can do to spot and respond to risks at an early stage, why it is important to provide support not only to the children involved, but also to the family.

At the end, we will discuss ways to create safety plans within the child’s family, school and institution – places where the child lives and spends time at – in order to take proactive action and prevent the risks of harmful sexual behaviour.

Led by: psychologists Sindija Dziedātāja and Anastasija Pušņakova

Duration of the seminar: 8 academic hours.

Cost: 81 euros

Venue: online (Zoom)

For more information, please e-mail us at apmacibas@centrsdardedze.lv