Project „Dardedze FOR society against abuse” 2014 year of operation has ended. “Center Dardedze” thanks all involved for cooperation and support!
During the whole year specialists of Dardedze continued to provide services for children who have suffered from abuse, carried out preventive programmes with aim to reduce abuse (including abuse between peers) and provided various trainings. All above mentioned wouldn’t be possible without Dardedze’s volunteers who have been invaluable support in Dardedze’s daily activities.
Anti-mobbing programme „Courage to be friendly” leaders as well in 2014 has been very active and specialists of programme have attended 55 Latvian schools and more than 3500 pupils.
Within framework of project, programme “Guide raising an adolescent” was attended by 19 specialists who use acquired knowledge leading parent groups in various regions of Latvia.
Organising trainings and supervision is one of core functions of centre. In 2014 trainings lead by Dardedze were attended by 185 representatives from different sectors. Many of those representatives participated also in Dardedze’s annual conference “Community participation in child and family welfare strengthening”.
Dardedze values cooperation not only with Latvian but as well with foreign partners. Due to cooperation several foreign student delegations have visited Dardedze, international publications have been created and international supervisions took place for employees of Dardedze.
“Center Dardedze” has received support from NGO operation support programme financed by EEA financial instrument and Latvia, with aim to continue in 2015 started project “Dardedze FOR society against abuse”.
Project: “Dardedze FOR society against abuse”
Project Id. no. 2012.EEZ/DAP/MAC/111
For more information about the project contact project manager Baiba Berovska, phone: +371 67240042, e-mail: baiba.berovska@projekti.lv.
Project financially supported by Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway.
Programme financed by EEA financial instrument and Latvia.
More about the programme can be found on the following webpages:
www.sif.lv www.eeagrants.lv www.eeagrants.org