Weekdays 9.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m.

Become a Jimba’s Agent!

To reach preschool and primary school children, Dardedze Centre has developed a special safety programme, with Jimba as the main character. The objective of the programme is to teach children about personal safety in communication with other people in an interactive and easy-to-understand language.

In order to make the knowledge available to children living outside Riga, we have developed Jimba’s 11-Step Safety Programme. It is a series of 11 lessons for children aged 5 to 10. The objective of the programme is to educate preschool and younger school-age children and their parents thus mitigating the risk of violence in their lives.

The programme is delivered by specially trained leaders – Jimba’s safety agents – who use music, games, films, and role-play to make complex and confusing topics easy to understand.

In order to be able to fully participate in the programme, the specialist needs to undergo a 3-day training + 1-day supervision, as well as receive a set of interactive materials – a Jimba’s safety agent work kit, which includes a Jimba hand puppet, a Jimba’s Safety Agent Handbook, situation cards, Jimba’s rules posters, films and Jimba songs, books, a workbook and other programme materials.

By choosing to implement Jimba’s Safety Programme in your institution, you become a long-term partner of Dardedze Centre, thus Dardedze Centre commits to methodically support and strengthen the Jimba’s safety agent by regularly offering various trainings, seminars, opportunities to participate in conferences, camps and capacity building workshops, as well as to receive methodological and informative materials for children, parents and professionals.

Approved as a professional development programme for educators (A programme of 16 hours).

Participation fee per person – EUR 228, – training + EUR 169, – training kit, which includes a Jimba hand puppet, Jimba’s Safety Agent Handbook, situation cards, Jimba’s rules posters, DVDs with films, CD with Jimba songs, books, a workbook and other programme materials.

To apply for training, please e-mail us at ilze.znotina@centrsdardedze.lv.

For more information about the Jimba’s Safety Programme, please visit www.dzimba.lv, or call +371 67600685.